Sunday, August 19, 2007


I know that most of my posts are about my health and how many times I have taken xrays and gone to the doctors, but here's one more for you.
If you have been reading my blog you may know that I had/have this thing called Costochondritis (look it up). I am still taking pain medicine for it (which I';m not sure it I still should be) and the pain has lessened in my chest a little bit, but has now moved to another part of my body... my arm. I am working really hard on not being a worrisome person, but this just adds to all my worry. My arm hurts and has been off and on numb/tingly for the last few days and it also seems to be connected to my shoulder. I told my mom about this (I pretty much tell her everything) and she told me it's probably tension. I truly hope it's just tension and not something worse, but I sure would like to have one day without any pain in my body... anywhere! So... I am still debating making an appointment with my doctor, but I continue to pray that it will just go away. So, if you do read my boring medical stories please take a little bit of time to pray that I will make the right decision to either get it checked out (again) or that God will just take it away because I know He is the Ultimate Healer! Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

6th said...

According to Wikipedia: "While the true causes of Tietze's Syndrome are not well understood, it often results from a physical strain or minor injury, such as repeated coughing, vomiting or impacts to the chest. It has even been known to occur after hearty bouts of laughter." Just quit laughing so hard and you'll be fine.