Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Going Green...

A few days ago Mike and I were talking about how we need to do a better job of "going green". For the past year I have been doing a few things to go green. I have switched over to environmentally safe cleaning products. We have reusable bags for Trader Joe's. I have been buying organic milk and I try to get other organic groceries. Our local Ralph's is a Fresh Faire Ralph's which means they have a lot of organic fruits and veggies and they buy some things locally. We also use energy saving bulbs in our house. We also recycle most of our stuff. I know we can do better and we are getting there. I am slowly switching to organic make-up, but since I don't wear it that often it is a slow process. Bare Minerals is a good brand. Anything that is a mineral powder is good. I am also heavily thinking about changing to g-diapers for Addison. I just have to figure out with the amount of diapers she goes through if we can do it financially.

I think it is important that we take care of the environment that God has put us to live in. HE wants us to take care of the environment. No matter if you think there is global warming or not we need to take care of this planet so that our kids (and us) don't have to live in a mess now and in the future.


Kaleena said...

I had no idea you guys were going down such a green path. Gdiapers are a little more costly but especially when you get to the larges it isn't so bad. Pascual is already in size 6, a size most kids don't hit until they are two. We're paying quite a bit per diaper for our pampers. We're still using cloth part time and I actually just ordered some gdiapers last night. A really good friend of mine uses them for her daughter. I have a ton of cloth diapers that Pascual has outgrown that would fit Addie, just let me know if you ever want to try them. The only diapers I like as well as cloth are the pampers premium line. Other than that I think cloth is really the best option as far as being leak free. Cloth is really jsut as easy as doing a load of laundry, which for us isn't that easy... but you have a washer!

Kaleena said...

I take that back, not including the initial investment gdiapers are way cheaper than pampers at this point. Also if you aren't grossed out by it you could by used gdiaper outers at

Anonymous said...

A low cost, green eco friendly, healthy natural way to clean can be to make a homemade liquid from soapberry which grows on the Chinaberry tree and has been used for thousands of years. It works very effectively.