Saturday, July 04, 2009

Glorieta: Day Four & Five

I'm sorry I slacked on giving you an update everyday. I got lazy and didn't want to upload pictures so I didn't think you wanted a blog without pictures.

Day Four (Wednesday):
This was an extremely lazy day for us. Addie took two naps because the night before she slept horrible. She woke up off and on between 1 and 4. Not fun. We pretty much stayed inside and went for a walk to the little snack shop and the chapel. Here are a few pics of Addie throughout the day and the one Mike took of the "sunset". He sort of got out there too late to get a real colorful one.

Day Five (Thursday):
This was our last full day in Glorieta. We tried to make the most of it by going on lots of walks and taking lots of pictures. I was able to take some time in the morning to walk out to the prayer garden and spend some much needed time alone with God. It was really good! We did take a little drive to a place nearby called El Dorado at Santa Fe. We stood in line at a Subway for almost about 30-35 minutes. There was one teenage guy behind the counter doing everything and he was going super slow. That was about all we did, so enjoy the pictures of our last day at Glorieta.

The beautiful prayer garden!

I told Addie to lean back on daddy... this is what she did.

Our final sunset in Glorieta!

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