I've written before about how I struggle with anxiety and depression and I have for 9 years.
I have been reading this little book by Beth Moore titled Looking Up When Life is Looking Down. It's been a great read (and quick). Something that she talks about is getting out of the pit you're in. Sometimes we place ourselves in this pit without even meaning to, but then we must get ourselves unstuck with the help of God and scripture. I'm learning more and more that scripture is what helps us defeat the enemy. God could just take this away from me (believe me I ask Him to all the time), but I know that right now he is allowing me to go through this for some reason. I may know the reason someday or I may never know why.
When I truly accept who I am becoming and who God is molding me into only then will I feel free from this "pain". I know that I can do anything with God and that I have to give up this control I'm feeling, it's hard, but God is more powerful than any thought or feeling or struggle I may be going through. I will continue to pray that I will put this past me and truly live for God in everything I do, so that I can be the best wife, mom, daughter, sister, friend and most importantly child of God!
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