Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Riverside Construction.....Aaaaaaah!

Tonight was a great night at church until I left. Let me tell you a story...

I got into my Honda a drove off to In & Out Burger. I ordered my food, they prepared it and gave it to me. I then took off for home and deicided to go the way I always go. It's quick and easy and the most direct route home... or so I thought. I got to one section of my drive and said to myself, "Oh yeah, they're doing construction on this street and the next one, oh well it won't be that bad!" So as I'm grooving along to some sweet tunes on Star 98.7 I all of the sudden come to a complete stop becasue the dork in front of me and the one on front of him can't merge into one lane. Finally we start moving again and the left lane opens up again, but only for about 100 feet then more arrows telling us to get over again. Okay I must stop here to say... Why don't they just section the entire left lane off and not open it till later when there is nothing left to section off? Anyway, I am then ready to turn right onto the main street I take home (this one has eighteen times more construction on it) and about half way up the street the left lane is being worked on again. I being the smart Riverside driver that I am know that the left lane will likely be closed and remain in the right lane, but other do not and must get over. Now, I hate traffic, but I do think the proper merging technique in traffic is to for each right lane car to let in one left lane car. But no, this is not how everyonr thinks. The car in fron of me is staying right up on the butt of the bus in front of him, so I must now let two cars in. Just not right! As I'm driving along at 2 mph I can smell the delicious cheeseburger sitting next to me and just as I begin to drool the lanes open up and I am flying now at 50 mph when once again I see brake lights. This time there is no construction just people who don't know how to drive on the open road. I finally make it home after 30 minuts of being on the road. Not fun. It has been proven that it takes about 13 minutes to get from my church to my house and if I was at In & Out Burger it should have been more like 10 minutes.

(In the middle of writing this I had to go and deal with something, I am now back).

All in all, if you plan on visiting the beautiful land of Riverside in the near future... don't! Come in January when most of the construction will be done!!


Towards the beginning of the summer I posted a blog and in it I wrote that I had some goals I wanted to meet this summer. Well, I'm sorry to say that most of those goals were not met. Here were the goals I didn't meet and the reason why:

Goal #1: Learn to play the guitar

I have wanted to learn to play the guitar for a really long time. I can play the piano and read music somewhat well so I figured that learning to play the guitar wouldn't be that hard. This all would have been great had I not broken my finger at the beginning of the summer. I unfortunately had a splint on my finger for half the summer so my lessons did not ever happen. I would assume it's a bit difficult to strum a guitar when your right ring finger is jutting out straight.

Goal #2: Take a dance class

This was all set to go until my beautiful sister backed out. I was really excited because my sister and I were going to take a Hip Hop dance class (yes, I know I am probably the whitest dancer ever) through parks and rec here in Riverside. She is in Color Guard at her school and it takes up her entire life, especially in the summer. (Grant it her high schools band and color guard ARE going to the Rose Parade in January.)

Goal #3: Write a Play

This one doesn't really have a valid excuse except that my creative juices have not been flowing lately. Everytime I think of something to write about in my head, it ends up being pretty cheesy when I put it down on paper.

Although none of these goals were met I don't feel as though my summer was a waste at all. I did meet some unexpected goals though:

Unexpected Goal #1: I rode a gondola up to and then stood at the top of a 10,000 foot mountain
Unexpected Goal #2: I have made it almost two months without taking medicine for anxiety!!
Unexpected Goal #3: I am starting a visual arts team for the high school students in our church

I would love to meet my goals at the top someday! Maybe I'll shoot to achieve those goals by the end of the school year! We'll see...