Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Broken Finger Woes

So, I broke my finger two weeks ago and didn't actually have full knowledge of the break until about two days ago! I finally decided to go to the doctor after two weeks of complaining about how much my jammed finger still hurt. You know it's not a good sign when the doctor takes one look at your finger before asking what's wrong and says, "Oh! That doesn't look good, we should have it x-rayed." I preceded to have my finger x-rayed and after getting the results back the doctor kindly informed me that I have a broken right ring finger. I am very sad at the moment because it is very hard to do anything with only three fingers (the pinky by itself is worthless). The incredibly sad thing about my broken finger is that it broke from getting hit by a dodgeball that a high school student threw. Oh well, at least it's cool to have my first broken bone!

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