Monday, September 10, 2007

I'm still in school and I'm still smilin'... barely...

Warning: Extremely lengthy post ahead!

Today was my second day of school and it was okay. I feel a bit lost in the class, but I assume it's normal for it only being the second day. I sat down at the same computer I had last Wednesday (we are sooo creatures of habit) and next to the same guy. I said "hi", he sort of nodded then we went back to our computer screens. Mine decided to freeze on me and I felt like an idiot when I raised my hand to have the professor help me. (To clarify I would usually just reboot the computer, but our syllabus tells us if there is a problem to leave it to the professor. I like to follow rules.) I asked if I should reboot, she said "No!" She pushed some keys and couldn't seem to fix it so she decided to reboot (go figure!) As soon as she walked away the computer came back on and was in the same freeze position as before. I again raised my hand for her only to tell me to share with the guy next to me. He did not look amused and neither did I. You see, I am a kinesthetic learner and therefore must do things as I am being taught. I rolled over about three inches to sit next to "random guy" (I was not paying attention when role was taken in order to hear his name) and as the professor showed us things about Adobe he was like 3 minutes behind everything she did. I again, was not amused. We were then given a 15 minute break. I called Mike, used the facilities and then went back to sit down at my still frozen computer. There was about 5 minutes left so I watched as "random guy" used his already (I believe) advanced photoshop skills to tweak a pretty amazing picture. Apparently he works as a photographer for some design company. After a little more of the professor showing us some basic work space stuff she told us to do Lesson 1 in our books. "Random guy" was very nice and told me I could take his computer since he didn't have the book yet. He then proceeded to reboot the computer and of course it actually turned off and came back on... unfrozen! He basically grunted to me to use my disk and share my book with me. I obliged even though I was thinking "I really don't want to share and he already knows more than half the class anyway." He then was obviously going faster than me and I kept apologizing to him for being slow. I think about it now and I'm really not sure why I was apologizing for my being slow when I was letting him use my book but, whatever! Overall, it was a pretty strange second class, but I'm still sticking it out!

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